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The Khruellian Encounter Page 15

  “Wow, you sure know how to make an entrance,” Annika said with a weak smile.

  Jon gave her a chaste kiss on her cheek and said, “Now if I can only master the art of making an exit with a certain lady on my arm, I’ll consider myself a success.” He didn’t bother to introduce himself to Captain Willard; his focus was entirely on Annika and her body language.

  Annika didn’t take her eyes off Jon’s face. She said, “Introduce me to your friend.”

  Talor stepped forward and in his very human baritone said, “Actually we’ve already met Commander Masterson, on your first trip to Vajrashila.”

  Anita blushed slightly at the memory and said, “I remember Talo protecting me from the Vajrashilan devil-bats, but I’m confused, are you Talo, or Talor?”

  The android bowed slightly and said, “Currently I am both, but as time goes by, you and I will begin to think of me only as Talor.”

  A little thrill went up and down her spine at the prospect of being around Jon and Talor long enough for that to happen. She still had the problem of Captain Willard. He was just not taking no for an answer, and she didn’t want things to get ugly between them. They were now both officers in the CSF, and it wouldn’t do either one of them any good to be seen having an ex-lovers quarrel. She got a sudden inspiration on how to keep Jon out of the middle of her dilemma and get away from Willard’s protective grasp. Leaning forward, she put her hand on Talor’s upper arm and said in a conspiratorial voice, “Perhaps you can help me with my CSF proficiency exam, Talor. I have to take my qualifying test tomorrow, and the part on astral navigation is troubling me.”

  Talor had already figured out the situation. He sent a mental message to Jon, who was still surprised whenever the android’s voice came on in his head. “She’ll be available in ten minutes outside the BOQ.”

  The android turned to Jon as if seeking his permission and when Jon nodded he asked Annika. “When would you like me to tutor you, Captain Masterson?”

  A rush of relief ran through her. She could tell from the look on Jon’s face he knew what was happening. “Right now, if possible. I would sleep ever so much better tonight.” She got off the bar stools as if Talor had already agreed to help her. He answered by offering his gleaming gray arm.

  Talor said to Jon, “Sir, I shall return to the ship when Commander Masterson no longer requires my services.”

  Jon and Captain Willard and everyone else in the club watched the pair leave. He sent a mental message to Talor, “I think I’m going to have to marry this girl to keep the wolves away from her.”

  “You have my heartiest endorsement, Jon. She’s a fine woman,” Talor sent back.

  After they left, Jon turned to Captain Willard and said, “Congratulations on your new ship, Captain Willard. I understand she’s a beauty.”

  There are few things in life more important to a space captain than a new ship command. His failed effort to woe Annika faded into the background. He beamed with pride as he said, “She the CSF James Bradford, a Grade 1 Destroyer.”

  Jon said, “I know that ship, and you’re right, she’s a beauty.”

  Edward spent the next few minutes telling him all he knew about Grade 1 Destroyers and only stopped when Jon’s com unit buzzed. Jon looked at the message screen and saw the words, “Waiting.”

  He shook Edward’s hand and said, “Good luck on your new command, Edward. He held the com unit up and said, “One of the joys of being a captain; there’s a problem on the ship that I have to take care of.” He waved goodbye and left. Five minutes later he was in front of the BOQ. He gave Annika a much-needed kiss and said, “We need to talk.”

  She agreed and hooked her arm in his as they headed for a small park in front of the BOQ. She was not surprised when Talor followed. She looked at Jon and said, “I’m going to have to get used to this, right?”

  “I’m afraid so if you want to be Mrs. Jon McKinnah.”

  Annika stopped abruptly and looked at Jon. She was not totally surprised at his proposal if that what it was. The intensity of their short relationship coupled with his families’ apparent approval made it seem like a logical conclusion. His speed surprised her though, but then he was a McKinnah and a spaceship captain. Speed was the only setting he knew.

  She said, “Is that a proposal or an observation, Captain McKinnah?”

  “A proposal, Commander Masterson,” Jon said, not sure if he had managed to screw things up.

  She looked at Jon and then Talor, knowing that both of them came as a package. Finally, she said, “Well, it’s a lame one, but I accept.”

  They stepped into each other’s arm and kissed. Jon ran his hands up and down her back and settled on her round posterior. “Let’s go to your room,” he said in a husky voice.

  Annika was just as eager as he was, but she knew they had to settle some issues before their emotions took charge. Tomorrow would be too late. “Yes, but first we have to talk, Jon.”

  Jon knew she was right, but it was difficult to wait. Now that he had made his decision and she had accepted, he wanted all of her at once. He led her to a comfortable park bench. When Talor stayed back, Annika motioned him to join them and said, “I gather you’re going to be part of this marriage, so you might as well join in the discussion,”

  When they were settled, Jon took a small silver globe from around his neck and said, “Annika, there is much we both have to learn about living with a sentient android, but we might as well start with this.” He put the globe in her hand and wrapped his hand around hers and watched as her expression changed.

  “Oh my God, I can hear you in my head.”

  Jon kissed her unresisting lips. For the next hour, the three of them talked about the reality of being a triad. It was a candid discussion with nothing held back. Mind-speak made it easier to understand exactly what was meant by the spoken word, verbal or mental. Talo assured both of them about their privacy. “I am a sentient,” he said, “without the burden of the emotions that govern so much of your lives, but I appreciate the need for privacy.” He looked at both of them with great affection. “You should both talk to your grandparents, Jon. They have fifty years of experience living with Talo and Talia.”

  Jon looked at his com unit and saw the time. “If we’re going to have any kind of honeymoon, we had better get to your room.”

  Annika poked him in the chest and said, “This is not a honeymoon, Buster, this is premarital sex. When the time comes, we are going to have a proper honeymoon.”

  Jon grinned, “Yes Ma’am, Commander Masterson.”

  Chapter 25


  News of this morning’s special session had spread rapidly, and the assembly hall was half full by the time Jon, Annika, and Talor arrived. The new android drew immediate attention from the crowd and the press who had gathered to hear this morning’s testimony. When the reporters began to questions about the new Android, Jon immediately pointed to Talor and said, “Talor can speak for himself.”

  Most of the press had previous experience trying to get information from Talo and Talia, so they weren’t expecting a lot of cooperation, but Talor surprised them; he spoke easily about his role as Captain McKinnah’s personal android and also of his role of protecting the privacy of the newly engaged couple, Captain Jonathon McKinnah and Commander AnnikaMasterson. His bombshell announcement set off a flurry of new questions about the couple’s nuptial plans. Anita handled the questions adroitly without saying anything of substance.

  Jon complained to Talor, “So much for telling my parents first.”

  “Do you really think they will be surprised by the news?”

  “Not really,” Jon said with a laugh. “Knowing dad, he probably had a betting pool on how long it was going to take me to ask her.”

  Annika was reasonably sure the news of their engagement would not be published on earth. She and her parents had not been close for years, but now she felt a sudden need to have their blessing on her engagement. She wondered if she would get
enough leave time to visit them any time soon.

  The General Assembly came to order, and the two primary witnesses, Captains Jon McKinnah of the CSF and Captain Mark Russell from the TSF testified at length about their impressions of the seriousness of the situation regarding the Khruellian Hegemony. The twelve senior members of the General Assembly’s central council had already received and read the visual/audio recordings made by Jon, so their questions for the captains were more about their impressions than about the facts. Jon was pleased to see Cleric-General Bradley-Kinsley and another person from Vajrashila sitting with the other representatives. They did not speak but listened carefully to what was being said.

  Jon was the last to testify. He said “Based on all that I have heard and seen, I believe we have a threat far greater than the Muhyba at our borders. Perhaps the only way to confirm that threat is to reconnoiter the territory held by the Hegemony.”

  The representative from the planet Borge said, “We are in agreement with your assessment, Captain McKinnah. I’m curious though, if you are assigned to such a mission, will your android accompany you?”

  It was the first comment made about Talor, who stood behind and to one side of Jon as he testified before them. From the tone of Jon’s answer, there was no room for negotiations in his answer, “Wherever I am assigned, Talor will be at my side.”

  No one in the Assembly questioned his right to have a personal android. He was a McKinnah.

  After the session had adjoined, Jon introduced Annika as his fiancée to Captain Mark Russell.

  “My God, man, do you know how many TFS officers are going to hang themselves when this news gets out?” He smiled at Annika and continued, “Commander Masterson was the number one target of half the bachelor officers in the Terran fleet.”

  “Annika laughed at the big man and said, “How are you doing, Mark? It’s been a while.”

  “You know, each other?” Jon asked, but not really surprised that they did.

  Annika smiled affectionately at the Terran officer. “This big lug married my best friend at the Academy. I was her maid of honor.”

  Mark was a little more reserved when Jon introduced him to Talor, but the android quickly put him at ease with a very human handshake and a casual greeting in a very human sounding voice. “Jon speaks well of you, Captain Russell. I’m sure we’ll be seeing much more of each other in the future.”

  Talor warned Jon of a presence behind him, and he turned to see the Vajrashilan Cleric-General standing there. He was wearing a headband which Jon knew was to protect him from unregulated human thoughts. He and Jon bowed slightly to each other at the same time before the Cleric-general said, “I wish to offer you my congratulations on your engagement to Commander Masterson. Your personal energies were well received by my colleagues when you visited our planet. I also want to offer our assistance in any of your future endeavors.”

  Jon decided to take a chance and sent the Cleric-General a mental thank you. He was rewarded with a slight look of shock and a small smile.

  “No, I should thank you,” the Cleric-General said. He bowed again and left to join the other delegates.

  “What was that all about?” Annika asked.

  When Jon surreptitiously fingered the small silver globe, Annika nodded her head in understanding.

  Mark Russell watched the exchange and said, “I must say, Jon, you have an odd set of friends.”

  “Well, you’re included in that group, so you should know,” Jon retorted. His com unit buzzed and seconds later Mark’s also buzzed. “Looks like the action is about to heat up, the admiral is calling.”

  The ride from the Assembly building to Space Command passed quickly and largely in silence. The upcoming confrontation with the Hegemony was ill-defined, but none of the three believed it would not affect them personally. They were the tip of the spear for the CSF and spears had a habit of becoming blunted or broken in combat. Jon squeezed Annika’s hand, and she squeezed back, seeming to understand his thoughts. He sent Talo a mental request to get Annika her own silver globe. If she was to be his wife, he wanted it to be heart, soul, and mind.

  Talor agreed with the request, “I will have one delivered here before either of you leave on your next assignment.”

  Being reminded that they would soon be separated did not brighten Jon’s day, but he knew they would have to get used to doing just that, repeatedly. As husband and wife, or even as an engaged couple, they could not serve on the same ship. For the first time in his career, Jon understood the cost married people paid while serving in the military.

  As soon as they arrived at Command Center, Jon, Talor, and Mark reported to Admiral Dexter’s office while Annika returned to her ship. The admiral and several members of his staff were meeting with an officer who Jon recognized, Vice Admiral William Estes, Annika’s boss. The admiral introduced them, including Talor and got right down to business. “The Assembly has approved two actions. Vice Admiral Estes, you and Captain McKinnah will take your ships and proceed immediately to Alpha Tau Alpha.” He turned to Captain Russell and said, “I sent a request to your superiors on Earth to be temporarily assigned to Captain McKinnah’s ship as an observer. They have agreed. Your primary mission will be to observe what you encounter on your next mission and to convey your findings to the Terran high command.”

  “Yes Sir, I understand,” Mark said, stealing a glance at Jon who looked pleased with the arrangement.

  He admiral continued, “Vice Admiral Estes, you are in charge of the expedition. Your ship and the CSF Islandia will proceed to Alpha Tau Alpha to work with the Alphans to organize a general meeting of those worlds threatened by the Khruellian Hegemony. Your task is to determine how effective a fighting force they represent. The meeting can be held at any location acceptable to all the parties involved. We are assuming the Alphans have already been in contact with these groups and that they are aware of the danger. If not, use your judgment on how to proceed.”

  Admiral Dexter turned to the silent android standing in his usual position behind Jon. “Talor, you are the most valuable member of this expedition. As a former Ares from the Ankh, your presence will give you special status with the Alphans, plus you will be able to detect any deceit on their part. Your extensive database of the Ankh’s explorations will be invaluable when negotiating with their unknown, potential allies.”

  The admiral turned back to Vice Admiral r Estes and said, “Part two of your mission will be to reconnoiter deep into Hegemony territory. Captain McKinnah’s report indicates the Alphans can travel at will throughout the Hegemony without being unduly challenged. I believe the same will be true of our ships. Get whatever coordinates you need from them to jump in and out of their territory. I will leave it to your discretion on what to do with that information. Any questions?” the admiral asked.

  Vice Admiral Estes asked, “Do we have permission to engage the hegemony ships if the opportunity presents itself?”

  Admiral Dexter said, “Obviously you can defend yourself from an attack by any ship in the galaxy, but the General Assembly has ruled that any attack by the Hegemony on a Confederation ship will be considered an attack on the CIP. You are free to respond with all the weapons you have at your disposal.”

  After a few minor details were cleared up, the admiral dismissed them to get started. Before they separated, Vice Admiral Estes said to Jon and Mark, “Gentlemen, we’ll meet in my ship at first watch tomorrow. I suggest you get started making arrangements for an extended expedition,”

  The two captains saluted their new boss and left the command center. Mark was the first to speak, “Well, it looks like the crappy brown stuff is about to hit the old rotating cooling device.”

  “Anxious to get started, I see,” Jon said with a little laugh.

  Mark sobered up, “Well, I didn’t join the Space Force to be a tour guide, but I must admit this mission could be a pisser.”

  “He means ‘an extreme test of wills,’” Talor explained mentally. “It is an
old Earth expression.”

  Jon was beginning to appreciate the value of his mental connection to the vast store of knowledge in Talor’s mind. He knew from watching his grandparents the connection would become as natural as talking and breathing, but he understood it would take a while before it became that natural between him and Talor, and more important, between him and Annika. Jon recalled the story his grandfather had told him about his reaction the first time Talo had spoken to him and how that connection had become so valuable to the foundation of the school and labs on Gruenwald, which eventually led to the discovery of the IS-Drive. Any break in the chain of those events and humans would still have been a group of isolated worlds, easy prey for the Khruellians.

  Penny was issuing orders for extra supplies when the trio came aboard the Islandia. Orders from the Admiralty had preceded them. When she saw Jon, the first thing she said was, “Congratulations, Captain McKinnah. Commander Masterson is a wonderful woman and a fine officer.”

  The mention of Annika caused Jon a momentary bit of anguish. Even though they were in the same squadron, there would be almost no opportunity for the two lovers to see each other, except on his rare, official visits to the CSF Enderson. He doubted Vice Admiral Estes would see the wisdom of allowing his XO and one of the captains in his command spend quality, private time together on those visits. They would have to learn to endure the separation. No doubt there would be many more in the future. Bringing his mind back to the business at hand, Jon introduced Talor to his command center crew members and explained, “Talor is the latest version of Talo, whom you met on our mission to Vajrashila. He will be a permanent member of this crew and an invaluable resource on this expedition. Treat him as you would treat Lieutenant Burns or me.”